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Guess the word
Academic word list 9 & 10. Guess the hidden word in this spelling and vocabulary learning activity
Guess the word
Academic word list 7 & 8. Guess the hidden word in this spelling and vocabulary learning activity
Guess the word
Academic word list 5 & 6. Guess the hidden word in this spelling and vocabulary learning activity
Guess the word
Academic word list 1 & 2. Guess the hidden word in this spelling and vocabulary learning activity
Patterns 1 & 2
Common spelling patterns for English word structures
Patterns 3 & 4
Common spelling patterns for English word structures. Homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelt differently. It is essential to learn these words to avoid using the wrong spelling when...
These spelling examples demonstrate the English rules for making words plural.
Prefixes & suffixes
Prefixes are letters added to the beginning of a word to make a new word, suffixes are letters added to the end of a word to make a new word. It is helpful to know the meanings of prefixes and...
Spelling tips
There are many ways people can improve their spelling. However, knowing a few simple spelling rules can help to improve your spelling.
These tips will hep you to look, think, cover, write, and check to improve your English spelling skills