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RMIT University Library - Learning Lab

Research sources


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Argument analysis

This resource is designed to familiarise students with an argument analysis. It would suit any student studying at a certificate, diploma or degree level and is designed to help with developing essay...

Choose valid sources

This tutorial will cover why it is important to find the right type of information for your assignment and strategies for how to evaluate that information


Library databases can include journal articles, news articles, ebooks, streaming videos, and specialised information such as standards, theses, case studies and images.

Elements of an argument

This is the language used when critically analysing a text.

Engaging critically with social media

The SIFT method can help you to critically evaluate the validity and reliability of information before sharing it with your online community.

Evaluate information sources using CRAAP

How to apply the CRAAP (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose) test to your sources.

Purpose of reports and sources to use

What is the purpose of a report? Which sources should you use in a report? Academic report writing purpose and sources

Researching your assignment

A three-part series of tutorials explaining how to get started with academic research and how to find the right information for your assignments and tasks

What's a library database?

This short video gives an explanation of library databases and how to use them from a student's perspective.


Writing a literature review, how to plan and what to include